/** * Import Compass and Theme Variables */ @import "_variables"; /* { "var" : "@l_Left-Col-BG", "name" : "UTR.LESS.BACKGROUND", "type" : "color", "group": "UTR.LESS.CONTAINERS", "subgroup": "UTR.LESS.LEFT_COLUMN" } */ @l_Left-Col-BG: @g_Accent-BG; /* { "var" : "@l_Left-Col-Text", "name" : "UTR.LESS.TEXT", "type" : "color", "group": "UTR.LESS.CONTAINERS", "subgroup": "UTR.LESS.LEFT_COLUMN" } */ @l_Left-Col-Text: @g_Body-Text; /* ========================================================================== Body ========================================================================== */ body, .t-Body, #wwvFlowForm { background: url('') repeat; color: @g_Body-Text; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } a { color: @g_Link-Base; } // .t-Body a { // // @l_Body_bg: contrast(@g_Body-BG, darken(@g_Body-BG, 75%), lighten(@g_Body-BG, 75%), 43%); // // color: mix(@l_Body_bg, @g_Accent-BG); // // color: red; // //color: contrast(@1, contrast(darken(@1, @2), lighten(@1, @2), 50%), 50%) // color: contrast(@g_Body-BG, contrast(@g_Body-BG, darken( @g_Link-Base, 5%), @g_Link-Base), contrast(@g_Body-BG, @g_Link-Base, lighten( @g_Link-Base, 5%))); // // &:hover { // // text-decoration:underline; // // } // } .t-Body-title a, .t-Body-info a { color: contrast(@g_Body-Title-BG, contrast(@g_Body-Title-BG, darken( @g_Link-Base, 5%), @g_Link-Base), contrast(@g_Body-Title-BG, @g_Link-Base, lighten( @g_Link-Base, 5%))); } // .t-Region a { // color: contrast(@g_Region-BG, contrast(@g_Region-BG, darken( @g_Link-Base, 5%), @g_Link-Base), contrast(@g_Region-BG, @g_Link-Base, lighten( @g_Link-Base, 5%))); // } .t-BreadcrumbRegion--useBreadcrumbTitle .t-Breadcrumb-item:last-child .t-Breadcrumb-label:after, .t-BreadcrumbRegion--useRegionTitle .t-BreadcrumbRegion-titleText:after { // background-image: linear-gradient(to right, fadeout(@g_Body-Title-BG, 1), @g_Body-Title-BG 65%); } .t-Body-actions { background-color: @g_Actions-Col-BG; // box-shadow: 1px 0 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1) inset; border-left: 1px solid #D6DFE6; .u-RTL & { border-left-width: 0; border-right: 1px solid #D6DFE6; } } .t-Body-title { background-color: @g_Body-Title-BG; color: @g_Body-Title-FG; // box-shadow: none; } .ui-widget-content { background-color: @g_Region-BG; .text-dark(); } .t-Body-side { background-color: @l_Left-Col-BG; color: @l_Left-Col-Text; } .apex-rds-container { background-color: transparent; .t-Body-info & { background-color: @g_Body-Title-BG; } } .t-Body-info { background-color: @g_Body-Title-BG; } .t-Body-title { &.js-hideBreadcrumbs { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.95); } } .t-Body-topButton { border-radius: 100%; // @subtle: contrast(@g_Body-BG, darken(@g_Body-BG, 20%), lighten(@g_Body-BG, 20%), 43%); // @bg: contrast(@g_Body-BG, white, black); background-color: lighten(@g_Body-BG, 10%); &:active { // background-color: #F0F0F0; background-color: lighten(@g_Body-BG, 15%); .a-Icon { color: contrast(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 15%), darken(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 15%), 10%), lighten(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 15%), 10%), 43%); } } .a-Icon { color: contrast(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 10%), darken(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 10%), 10%), lighten(lighten(@g_Body-BG, 10%), 10%), 43%); } } // /* // { // "var" : "@Head-Height", // "name" : "Head Height", // "type" : "number", // "units": "px", // "range": { // "min": 40, // "max": 60, // "increment": 1 // }, // "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" // } // */ @Top-Head-Height: 92px; @Side-Head-Height: 56px; // /* // { // "var" : "@Head-Menu-Height", // "name" : "Head Menu Height", // "type" : "number", // "units": "px", // "range": { // "min": 80, // "max": 100, // "increment": 1 // }, // "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" // } // */ @Top-Head-Menu-Height: 80px; @Side-Head-Menu-Height: 44px; /* { "var" : "@Nav-Exp", "name" : "UTR.LESS.NAVIGATION_TREE", "type" : "number", "units": "px", "range": { "min": 140, "max": 220, "increment": 10 }, "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" } */ @Nav-Exp: 200px; /* { "var" : "@Actions-Exp", "name" : "UTR.LESS.ACTIONS_COLUMN", "type" : "number", "units": "px", "range": { "min": 160, "max": 240, "increment": 10 }, "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" } */ @Actions-Exp: 200px; /* { "var" : "@Side-Exp", "name" : "UTR.LESS.LEFT_COLUMN", "type" : "number", "units": "px", "range": { "min": 200, "max": 280, "increment": 10 }, "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" } */ @Side-Exp: 240px; @Nav-Col: 48px; @Actions-Col: 0px; @Side-Col: 0px; /* ========================================================================== Tree Based Navigation ========================================================================== */ /** * Hide Top Menu Bar Navigation */ .apex-side-nav { .t-Body-nav, .t-Body-actions, .t-Body-title { // top: @Head-Height; } .t-Body-title { @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Exp); .apex-direction-right(0); } } .t-Body-content { @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Exp); } } .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); } } /* ========================================================================== Menu Based Navigation ========================================================================== */ .apex-top-nav { .t-Body-actions { top: @Top-Head-Menu-Height; } .t-Body-title { top: @Top-Head-Menu-Height; } @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { &.js-menuNavCollapsed { // .t-Body { // margin-top: @Head-Height; // } .t-Header-nav { .transform-less(translateY(-100%)); } } } } .apex-side-nav .t-Body-nav, .apex-side-nav .t-Body-actions, .apex-side-nav .t-Body-title { top: @Side-Head-Menu-Height + 12; } .apex-top-nav { .t-Header-branding { height: @Top-Head-Height; } } .apex-side-nav { .t-Header-branding { height: @Side-Head-Height; } } .t-PageBody--noNav { .t-Header-branding { height: 56px; } } /** * Base styles for Tree Nav container */ .t-Body-nav { width: @Nav-Exp; } /** * Base styles for Actions */ .t-Body-actions { width: @Actions-Exp; .t-Button--header { .apex-direction-translate(-40px); } } /** * Base styles for Side Bar */ .t-Body-side { @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { width: @Side-Exp; } } .apex-side-nav { .t-Body-side { @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Col); } } } /* ========================================================================== Tree Nav Expanded ========================================================================== */ .apex-side-nav.js-navExpanded { .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Col); .apex-direction-translate(@Nav-Exp - @Nav-Col); } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { // // Compensate for completely collapsed left column // .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side, .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); } .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); .apex-direction-translate(@Nav-Exp); } } @media only screen and (min-width: 993px) { &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); transform: none; } .t-Body-title { transform: none !important; .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Exp); } .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Side-Exp + @Nav-Exp); :not(.u-RTL) &, .u-RTL & { transform: none; } } } } @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { &.t-PageBody--hideLeft { .t-Body-title, .t-Body-content, .t-Body-main { transform: none; } .t-Body-title { .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Exp); .apex-direction-right(0); } .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Exp - @Nav-Col); } .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Col); } } // .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side { .translate3d-less(@Nav-Exp, 0, 0); .u-RTL & { .translate3d-less(-@Nav-Exp, 0, 0); } } &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); transform: none; } // .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-left(0); } .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Side-Exp + @Nav-Col); :not(.u-RTL) & { .translate3d-less(@Nav-Exp - @Nav-Col, 0, 0); } .u-RTL & { .translate3d-less(-@Nav-Exp + @Nav-Col, 0, 0); } } .t-Body-title { .apex-direction-left(0); :not(.u-RTL) & { .translate3d-less(@Nav-Exp, 0, 0); } .u-RTL & { .translate3d-less(-@Nav-Exp, 0, 0); } } } } } /* ========================================================================== Tree Nav Collapsed ========================================================================== */ .apex-side-nav.js-navCollapsed { .t-Body-nav, .t-Body-nav .t-TreeNav { width: @Nav-Col; // .a-TreeView-toggle { // .visuallyHidden; // } } .t-Body-content, .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Nav-Col); } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) { // // Completely hide left column when on very small screens // .t-Body-nav { .transform-less(translateX(-@Nav-Col)); .transform-less(translateX(-@Nav-Col)); .u-RTL & { .transform-less(translateX(@Nav-Col)); } } .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side, .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); } } @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { &.t-PageBody.js-rightExpanded { .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); } } } @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { .t-Body-title { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Col); } &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); } .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Side-Exp + @Nav-Col); } } } @media only screen and (min-width: 993px) { .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Col); } } } /* ========================================================================== Actions Expanded ========================================================================== */ .t-PageBody.js-rightExpanded { .t-Body-main { margin-right: 0; } .t-Body-main, .t-Body-nav { .apex-direction-translate(-@Actions-Exp); } @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { &.t-PageBody--hideLeft { .t-Body-main, .t-Body-nav { transform: none; } .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-right(@Actions-Exp); } .t-Body-title { :not(.u-RTL) & { right: @Actions-Exp;} .u-RTL & { left: @Actions-Exp; } } } &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-title { .apex-direction-right(0); } } &.js-navCollapsed.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-margin-left(0); .apex-direction-left(0); } } } @media only screen and (min-width: 993px) { &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-main { .apex-direction-margin-right(@Actions-Exp); // margin-right: @Actions-Exp; } .t-Body-main, .t-Body-nav { transform: none; } .t-Body-title { .apex-direction-right(@Actions-Exp); // right: @Actions-Exp; } } &.js-navCollapsed.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-side { .apex-direction-left(@Nav-Col); } } } @media only screen and (max-width: 992px) { &.t-PageBody--showLeft { .t-Body-main { transform: none; } .t-Body-title, .t-Body-side, .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-translate(-@Actions-Exp); } .t-Body-side { margin-left: @Nav-Col !important; .u-RTL & { margin-left: 0px !important; right: @Nav-Col !important; } } } } } /* ========================================================================== Actions Collapsed ========================================================================== */ .t-PageBody.js-rightCollapsed { .t-Body-main { margin-right: @Actions-Col; } .t-Body-title { right: @Actions-Col; } .t-Body-actions { .apex-direction-translate(@Actions-Exp); } } /* ========================================================================== Show Left Side Bar ========================================================================== */ .t-PageBody--showLeft { @media only screen and (min-width: 641px) { .t-Body-content { .apex-direction-margin-left(@Side-Exp + @Nav-Col - 40); } } } /* { "var": "@g_Body-Content-Max-Width", "name": "UTR.LESS.BODY_CONTENT_MAX_WIDTH", "type": "select", "options": [ { "d": "Auto", "r": "auto" }, { "d": "768 pixels", "r": "768px" }, { "d": "1024 pixels", "r": "1024px" }, { "d": "1280 pixels", "r": "1280px" }, { "d": "1440 pixels", "r": "1440px" }, { "d": "1920 pixels", "r": "1920px" } ], "group": "UTR.LESS.LAYOUT" } */ @g_Body-Content-Max-Width: auto; .t-Body-contentInner { margin: auto; max-width: @g_Body-Content-Max-Width; } .t-Body-nav { left: auto; }